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DiGiCo has unveiled the theatrical console Quantum 225T at ISE 2025!

Many of the world’s leading theaters continue to choose the DiGiCo Quantum7T mixing console for their productions, thanks to its outstanding theatrical features, extensive input/output capabilities, and unparalleled sound quality. Now, smaller theater venues and regional touring productions can also take advantage of DiGiCo’s offerings! The manufacturer has announced the launch of the "T" software in 2025 for its most compact console in the Quantum series — the Quantum225T.

The Quantum225T combines powerful, advanced hardware with Quantum processing, allowing for instant reconfiguration of functionality and surface layout to provide specialized programming tools essential for theatrical sound design, rehearsals, and performances.

Auto Update enables quick scene updates during rehearsals or performances. If there is a need to adjust scene settings related to other scenes, this can be done instantly, significantly saving time and simplifying the process. Alias allows for multiple settings for the same actor who may play different roles, facilitating the adjustment of various sounds and corrections between roles and switching between them. Players enables the creation of a library of settings for different actors performing the same role in various productions. If one actor is unable to participate in a performance, their role can be taken over by another actor with different sound characteristics. This function makes it easy to reassemble the show using pre-saved settings for each actor, enhancing flexibility and efficiency.

The new Quantum225T console matches the power of the standard Quantum225 Pulse version. It supports 96 input channels, 48 buses and matrix outputs, and includes 4 MADI ports and 2 DMI ports for optional cards, along with built-in UBMADI and optional OPTOCORE.

The new Quantum225T will begin shipping at the end of March.